Illustrated Glossary :
Kerning: Space between two characters
Tracking : Uniform spacing of letters between in the whole piece of text.
Widow :Short word or line left at the end of a paragraph.
Indent: The first word of the paragraph and margin has some space.
Outdent: The first word is with the margin but the rest of the paragraph has some space.
Line measure: As the name suggests the length of a line. =15 words is the optimum length for good readability.
Orphan: Short word or line in the start of a column which is probably a continuation of the previous column.
Leading: Space between lines of text
the final flyer
typesetting for both page
These are the dimensions i used in my flyer every style, font.
My flyer is a normal single page look .
On the first page i have described the festival and On the second page different things are explained
Here the font and size of the heading is different